We empower children to have a voice about the future they wish to see.
Children, and their children, will inherit the Earth. We aim to give a voice to all children worldwide to express their insightful and creative visions about how they would like their future to be.
Call for Indigenous Child Authors Now Open!
Click on the button below to learn more about the contest and apply.
Our Mission
To assist children to advance the right to education and literacy globally through the children's book series. Books are authored by children aged 8-12, for children aged 6 and above. These stories from around the world are illustrated and published, and the books are disseminated globally to schools and libraries for all children to benefit from the knowledge and insight.
“These young voices must be heard and they must encourage global leaders to keep their promises.
Voices of the Future: Stories from Around the World
A wonderful anthology of eight stories addressing children's rights and sustainable development, written by child authors from all around the world and produced in conjunction with UNESCO's Voices of Future Generations initiative published by Bloosmbury.
Intergenerational Dialogues
Through our Intergenerational Dialogue Programme, Online Roundtables, and Eco-seminars we enable children to enter into effective and inspiring communication with experts and global leaders, who are effecting positive change in the fields of children's rights and sustainable development.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.
A partnership with The Emirates Literature Foundation