Would you like to support children from around the world in publishing beautiful children's books on the UN Sustainable Development Goals? 

Would you help children have their voices heard by decision-makers, in the interests of future generations? 

Would you enjoy co-hosting online education and action events, inspiring children worldwide for sustainability? 

 The Voices of Future Generations Initiative (VoFG) is looking for energetic, creative and motivated university students and others to help empower children, promote the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the World’s Sustainable Development Goal agenda (SDGs), in partnership with UNESCO and others. 

We host education and action events, and edit, illustrate and publish books written by children aged 8-12 from all continents about their hopes, dreams and vision for a sustainable world. Volunteers can expect a meaningful and engaging experience in collaboration with United Nations and other partners that will leave a positive and lasting impression.

Successful applicants for these positions can expect a time commitment between 2 and 8 hours per week. Small scholarships are available as honoraria for successful completion of deliverables, and renewal is possible annually.

 If any of these positions have sparked your interest, please send your application to ela.martinez@vofg.org cc'ing odtlara@vofg.org

Please view the volunteer positions below and apply online.