Second Eco-Activity Challenge
We are back with our 2nd eco-challenge! If you participated in our first eco-challenge, which was to design and build a composter, this task will give you the perfect opportunity to put your compost to good use–by planting a veggie and/or herb garden!
Research… Plan the components of your garden. By growing your own produce at home, you are producing food that doesn’t need to be transported in delivery trucks or packaged in plastic. The objective of this eco-challenge is to contribute to a sustainable food system, so think carefully about what you can plant that is in season, and what vegetables or herbs are most often enjoyed by your family at mealtimes.
Design… draw a plan for your garden and show you will organise it. Make a list of all the tools you will need to plant and maintain it.
Make… With the help of your parents and/or siblings, plant your garden and give your plants the care they need to grow.
A beginner’s guide to gardening
Evaluate… Think about these key questions: Why did I choose the plants that I included in my garden? How will my garden contribute to a more sustainable food system? How will I care for my garden and keep my plants healthy until they are ready to harvest? What challenges did I face when planning out and planting my garden? Did I enjoy this project?
Please submit the following components to by Saturday, July 25:
A high-quality scan or photo of your drawn design of your garden and tools list
A high-quality JPEG photo (of at least 1 megabyte in size) of your garden, and one photo of you posing with your garden
A write-up of 250 words maximum. See the heading ‘Evaluate’ for a guide on what to write
We hope that you will enjoy participating in our second eco-challenge! Remember, the deadline is July 25th!
Happy gardening!
If you have any questions, please write them in the ‘comments’ section at the bottom of this page.
Previous Challenges
First Eco-Activity Challenge
This is the beginning of our eco-adventure; we are all in this together! Now please read on… we are trying to make this eco-challenge as interesting as possible, videos to follow…. (Maybe for week 2)
With the news that Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire district councils will not be collecting our Green bins for a few weeks, we thought it a good idea to build a compost bin/heap, or another one if you already have one. Don’t worry if you don’t have a garden, just a small bin will do.
Research… The different designs and best location for a compost bin/heap. What can and what cannot be composted.
How to make a compost heap: 10 top tips
Design… Draw a suitable design for a compost bin/heap for your garden. Selecting the most appropriate measurements and most suitable materials (remembering: Recycle, Reuse, Reinvent). Make a tools list. Don’t forget to use safety equipment where appropriate.
Make… With help, if possible and where necessary, make your compost heap.
Evaluate… Think about key questions like: How easy it was to find designs? Did you use the best and most eco-friendly materials? Was your idea and design good? Does it look good? Does it work? How could you improve it? Did you enjoy the project? (Remember to offer a reason as to why or why not for each thing you say).