Wezi Emmanuel Chilubanama is 15 years old and is in his eleventh grade at St Ignatius College, Lusaka, Zambia. Winner of a global Eco-Challenge award judged by Dame Fiona Reynolds and Rev Roman Williams, Wezi is also an outstanding and disciplined member of his School’s Book Club. He works closely with the United Nations and Voices of Future Generations Children’s Initiative and loves nature, and picking up litter to keep his surroundings clean and healthy.

Through his story writings and drawing, Wezi is eager to share experiences about the need to eradicate poverty and embrace both girls and boys in raising environmental awareness. He loves using science projects to depict universal access to affordable and clean energy. As Child Ambassador for SDGs, Africa, Wezi continues raising awareness about the children’s rights generally and more specifically in the wake of climate change impacts such as extreme temperatures, drought and flooding currently hitting most parts of Africa and the world at large.