Are you interested in learning about the links between education, Indigenous rights and sustainability?
Are you inspired by the leadership of children and youth to advance the global Sustainable Development Goals?
Would you like to help implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, by encouraging Indigenous children’s voices?
This note invites you to register now for a very special online International Roundtable on Indigenous Children's Voices & Rights, which takes place on Monday 9 August 2021 at 11:00 am EST / 4:00 pm BST in celebration of the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples.
You can register (at no cost) here:
This International Roundtable on Indigenous Children’s Voices & Rights for Sustainability engages child and youth leaders from different nations, and also specialists and experts working to promote Indigenous Peoples' rights and the rights of the child, in an interactive dialogue to strengthen and promote Indigenous Children’s Rights and the global Sustainable Development Goals.
This special online roundtable occasion highlights and celebrates the global launch of a beautifully illustrated new book, published by the Voices of Future Generations Children's Initiative, called Finding the Language, by Adelyn Sophie Newman-Ting, the first Voices of Future Generations Indigenous Child Author. Finding the Language is a creative and captivating story about reclaiming language through the land and its creatures, highlighting the interconnected cycle of life and culture. The event also features Indigenous Child Ambassadors Bella Morrisseau and Sydnee Wynter. Honoured chairs and speakers also include Adv. Wayne Garnons-Williams (National Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation of Canada Chair), Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (University of Cambridge Leverhulme Professor, CISDL Senior Director & VoFG CRI Executive Secretary), Ms Monique Gray-Smith (Writer & Children's Literature Award Laureate), and Prof Carey Newman Hayalthkin'geme (University of Victoria Professor & Impact Chair, Master Carver), as well as Adv. Neshan Gunasekera (Lead Counsel for Peace, Justice and Governance, CISDL), Ms Portia Garnons-Williams (Indigenous Student Leader), Ms Elaina Cox (First Nations Treaties for SDGs Project, University of Waterloo), and Dr. Roda Muse, Secretary-General of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO has confirmed to give a special address on their world-leading educational work and support for Indigenous cultures and peoples.
Register now, at:
International Roundtable on Indigenous Children’s Voices & Rights
Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child by encouraging Indigenous children’s voices
Monday 09 August 2021 | 11:00 - 12:50 EST | 16:00 – 17:50 BST
Venue: Zoom Online Platform (due to COVID-19 travel restrictions)
11:00 – 11:10 Welcome and Opening
Moderators: Ms Hyfa Azeez & Dr Odeeth Lara-Morales (Legal & Senior Officer, Voices of Future Generations Children's Initiative)
Chairs: Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (University of Cambridge / University of Waterloo / CISDL, UK & Canada) & Adv. Neshan Gunasekera (Lead Counsel for Peace, Justice and Governance, CISDL)
Opening prayer: Elder Sherry Copenace
11:10 – 11:20 Book Launch of Finding the Language, by Adelyn Sophie Newman-Ting, the first Voices of Future Generations Indigenous Child Author
* Including a special reading of a chapter from Finding the Language by the author, Adelyn Sophie Newman-Ting
* Finding the Language is a creative and captivating story about reclaiming language through the land and its creatures, highlighting the interconnected cycle of life and culture.
11:20 – 11:30 Speeches by the two Voices of Future Generations Indigenous Child Ambassadors and Student Leaders
Bella Morrisseau/Whiskeyjack (UNESCO VoFG Indigenous Child Ambassador), Sydnee Wynter (UNESCO VoFG Indigenous Child Ambassador)
11:30 – 11:40 Ceremonial Children's Book Launch & Congratulatory Message
Ms Monique Gray-Smith (Writer & Children’s Literature Award Laureate, Little Drum Consulting)
Thanks to Speakers: Ms Portia Garnons-Williams (Indigenous Student Thought Leader - Ottawa Carleton Virtual Secondary School)
11:40 – 11:50 The Legacy of Indigenous Children in Residential Schools
Adv. Wayne Garnons-Williams (National Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation of Canada Chair)
11:50 – 12:30 Indigenous Rights and Sustainability: Intergenerational Roundtable on Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Ms Elaina Cox (Senior Researcher, First Nations Treaties for SDGs Project, University of Waterloo), Ms Shaelyn Wabegijig (Program and Outreach Coordinator, Kawartha World Issues Centre, KWIC), Dr Edward van Daalen(Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill University), Ms Portia Garnons-Williams (Indigenous Student Thought Leader - Ottawa Carleton Virtual Secondary School), Master Nico Roman (Chair, Cambridge Schools Eco-Council & Child Ambassador, VoFG Children's Initiative).
On the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, how to celebrate and encourage Indigenous children’s books and stories? Why are Indigenous languages so important, and how can Indigenous children’s views shape education and culture for sustainability, worldwide? How to foster the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which promises that children’s voices will be heard in decision-making that concerns them, and how to inspire people worldwide to help advance the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), engaging and learning from Indigenous Peoples’ insights?
12:30 – 12:40 Keynote Speech by UNESCO Canada Secretary-General
Dr. Roda Muse, Secretary-General of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO
12:40 – 12:50 Special Closing Remarks with Thanks to Distinguished Speakers & Partners
Closing Remarks: Prof Carey Newman Hayalthkin’geme (Audain Professor of Contemporary Art Practices of the Pacific Northwest, University of Victoria)
Closing prayer: Elder Sherry Copenace
Moderators: Ms Hyfa Azeez & Dr Odeeth Lara-Morales (Legal & Senior Officer, Voices of Future Generations Children's Initiative)
Zoom Operations Director: Adv Freedom-Kai Phillips (Director of Operations, CISDL)
Zoom Editorial Director: Dr Antoinette Nestor (Associate Fellow, CISDL)
With warmest thanks to the partners and collaborators: