Adelyn "Addy" Sophie Newman-Ting
Adelyn Newman-Ting is 13 years old from Victoria BC. She lives with her parents and her dog Oscar. Her traditional name is Kesugilakw which means leader born to be, and her Chinese name is Ting Li-Wen. On her mother’s side she is Chinese from Taiwan and on her father’s side she is Kwakwaka’wakw, Coast Salish and English, Irish and Scottish.
Addy enjoys competitive jump roping (which is a sport!), art and field hockey. She is passionate about youth voices being heard as it will be their responsibility to make the world a better place.
Most recently, Addy gave a TEDx talk with her father Carey Newman, and spoke at an educational event for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. She is also the author of Finding the Language as a UNESCO child author and has completed her first year as a member of the Youth Advisory Council for Children First Canada.