Ryan Hill
At a very young age, Ryan was given the nickname “Nature Boy” as he spent most of his time in the forest, discovering plants, rocks, and animals. Every year his passion for the environment and saving all of the endangered animals and insects grew stronger.
From the moment Ryan could talk he would put on shows for his family and friends. At four years old he had his theater debut as Elvis the mermaid, in Peter Pan. At the age of six, he broke into the film industry after a worldwide search for Young Charlie in The Playmobil Movie. He truly loves being in front of the camera and also loves being in the studio doing voice-over work. His most memorable time on set was when he had the honor of playing Joaquin Phoenix’s son.
After watching an episode of The Nature of Things with David Suzuki, on Pangolins, Ryan made it his mission to help save them, by raising money for them and educating people about how they’re becoming endangered and what people can do to help.
When he’s not working or being an animal protector, he’s either dancing, singing, drumming, or doing martial arts.
He wants to use his voice in a positive way by making a difference in the world and wants to create a sanctuary for endangered animals.